Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Everyday Sorcery in America

Note the date of this article I originally wrote ten and a half years ago...still as relevant today, if not more so (haven't checked all the links, hopefully they're still active)...

Everyday Sorcery in America
Fred Marshall III
October 5, 2009

Three of my many favorite sayings revolve around the conveying of information, something we all benefit from, when we are open to receiving it.

The first is "when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear."  There are things in life that we are sometimes unprepared to learn, so we reject all attempts at their conveyance, whatever their source.  Maybe we even ridicule their source (a favorite mainstream media strategy).

Sometime ago, I was privileged to stand in for our regular Sunday school teacher as I occasionally do when his work or vacations pull him elsewhere.  We were going through the book of Revelation, which is not light reading, even for the biblically literate.  My task for that Sunday was to cover chapter 9.

The second quote is "to teach is to learn twice."  I relish these opportunities because the research to prepare the lesson is very educational.  In addition to the ample footnotes for selected verses I find in my bible, I sometimes make use of a hardback edition of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (also available online in a number of bible search sites).  As its name implies, Strong's is a compilation of every word in the bible, listed by reference, along with a number corresponding to the entry of its translation in the appropriate dictionaries therein contained.  Words appearing in the Old Testament are found in the Hebrew dictionary, those in the New Testament, in the Greek dictionary.

The very last verse of chapter 9, verse 21, says "Also they repented not of their murder, of their sorcery, neither of their fornication, nor of their theft."  (emphasis mine)  That's from the 1599 Geneva bible, which predates the popular (and very accurate) version King James authorized in 1611, and was used by the pilgrims during their journey to America.  The sometimes more understandable New King James Version says "And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries* or their sexual immorality or their thefts." (emphasis mine, with asterisk in the original)  I'll get to the asterisk in a minute.

I felt compelled to look up the word "sorceries" in the Strong's concordance to see what the translation was.  On page 958, I found the Strong's number to be 5331, italicized to indicate its entry is found in the Greek dictionary.  Finding entry 5331 on page 75 of that segment of the concordance, I was intrigued to see this...:

     pharmakeia, medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (lit. or fig.): - sorcery, witchcraft.

Now to address the asterisk in the New King James Version.  Looking at the footnote there, it indicates that both the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Societies text and the Majority Text of the Greek New Testament read drugs (italics in the original).

Notwithstanding the numerous drug ads seen during a typical half hour nightly newscast enticing the viewer to consider whether he might be experiencing symptoms of the latest contrived syndrome, and then ask his doctor whether the side-effect laden drug being peddled is right for him, this is a deadly accurate indictment & rebuke of the drug industry.

There is no shortage of information available, if one merely seeks it, to conclude that vaccines are useless at best, and can, at worst, be quite dangerous.  The entire premise behind immunizations is based on what has become known as “junk science”.
Four myths inherent in the promotion of vaccines are outlined in the article on the Natural Solutions Foundation website,, as well as a concise exposé of Edward Jenner, commonly regarded as the father of vaccines.  Jenner was in fact a village apothecary who bought his medical doctor degree from the University of Edinburgh for fifteen pounds.  (See
From the same article is the following telling information…
                Neither Jenner’s cowpox inoculation nor modern smallpox inoculation did anything to eliminate smallpox (quite the contrary).  The fact is, Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell discovered that smallpox is transmitted by the flying bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and that eliminating this parasitic insect from human habitation eliminates smallpox, too.  Personal hygiene and better housekeeping eliminated the deadly scourge.  (Dr. Campbell also discovered that the disfiguring pocks of the disease could be prevented by a diet high in Vitamin C.)

Lest you think that vaccine has ever cured a disease, I submit that polio, for example, had all but been eradicated prior to the introduction of the polio vaccine.  Furthermore,

                “in 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk testified that the OPV of Dr Albert Sabin was the principal cause of polio injuries and deaths since 1961 . This testimony which will be found in the Washington Post of September 24, 1976 reads in part as follows: "That the live-virus vaccine (OPV of Dr. Sabin) used from 1960 was the principal, if not the sole cause of all reported adverse cases of Polio in the USA since 1961". Thus, both types of polio vaccines were very unsafe for humans, especially children.” – from

This well researched article entitled “Vaccination Theory – Bad Medicine & Junk Science?” ( reveals the tainted history behind Jenner’s experimentation in his quest for smallpox immunity.  Some rather grotesque pictures showing the results of vaccines gone awry accompany the article at this site:   George Bernard Shaw is quoted as saying “Every doctor will allow a colleague to decimate a whole countryside sooner than violate the bond of professional etiquette by giving him away”.

Should anyone doubt the credentials of those questioning the effectiveness (and even the survival) of vaccines, this site provides numerous quotes from medical doctors regarding vaccines:

Dr Vernon Coleman ( is quoted on the page at as saying that Jenner “tried out the first smallpox vaccination on his own 10 month old son. His son remained mentally retarded until his death at the age of 21.  Jenner refused to have his second child vaccinated. "

In the same vein, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn in his book “Raising a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor” said that most pediatricians do not vaccinate their own children, which should raise as much suspicion as would a cook refusing to eat his own food.

As I was conducting research for this article, I received an email newsletter to which I subscribe, written by a respected doctor, with a particularly relevant lead article…

The foregoing information should give rise to great reservations regarding the acceptance of the Swine flu vaccine.  As with much of what our Big Brother government pushes upon the population, if vaccination were such a good idea, people wouldn’t need to be forced to do it.

(A few years ago I saw signs at Texas schools which said “no shots, no school, no kidding”, an affront to that state’s historically independent spirit.)

The fact that flu vaccines are increasingly being promoted in such venues as Walgreens stores, schools, and coming soon, airports & possibly major employers, is an omen that you may no longer be given the option of refusing immunizations.  Many will succumb to the fear mongering that has already been rampant in the increasing publicity surrounding the H1N1 virus and the Swine flu.

All of which brings me to my third quote… “the student, once taught, should surpass the teacher.”

It’s time for all Americans who care about their health, and the freedom to make choices to sustain it, to inform themselves as to the truth behind vaccines and their dangers.  Prepare to resist compulsory vaccination by the very purveyors of sorcery God’s Word says will not repent.

Fred Marshall III
Copyright October 2009
May be reproduced and distributed in its entirety only.  All rights reserved.

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