Thursday, April 9, 2020

Churches of Ten in an Epidemiocracy

Churches of Ten in an Epidemiocracy
Fred Marshall
April 2, 2020

Before God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25), in chapter 18, verses 20ff Abraham pleads with Him to spare the inhabitants thereof for the sake of the righteous there.  Abraham starts out at fifty as the number of righteous people God would stay His judgment for, but steadily reduces that number, first by fives, and when he gets to forty, by tens.

God patiently listens to Abraham until he finally reaches ten;  if there are ten righteous in the city, He would relent from destroying it.  (See Ezekiel 16:49-50 for the other reasons God destroyed them.)

Ten is a significant number in Jewish tradition as it is the minimum number of men to form a synagogue.

In the seeming epidemiocracy we find ourselves in, having our lives dictated by edicts from officials at the Centers for Disease Control (and Prevention) and the World Health Organization, we are also told to limit our gatherings to groups of no more than ten.

While this is an affront to the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of assembly, the justification is to limit the spread of the virus.  This divides people into two camps; those who will blindly obey any order given by government (or quasi-government) officials, and those who, under the spirit of Acts 5:29, obey God rather than men.

In a more direct attack on the God-given freedom of religion, long before our brilliant forefathers codified it in the Constitution, the disciples were told not to preach Jesus to the people.  Had they obeyed this command, Christianity would have lasted only a few decades.

The house church movement is not a recent development, though its popularity has grown in recent years for various reasons, ranging from a desire to depart from what many see as "organized religion", to full-blown persecution, driving born again Christians underground.

Just as an online search for the word epidemiocracy produced no results (because it is a word I recently coined), a search for "churches of ten" likewise yielded no results.

It is more important that the concept of churches of ten receive consideration and attention than my new word.  Many Sunday school classes (or Life Groups, as they are now commonly called) could be incubators for churches of ten, enabling Christians to follow Hebrews 10:25 and still not run afoul of state mandates for gatherings.

This is a supplement to, not a replacement for our current denominational churches, with the idea that we may have to abandon the latter and adopt the former in times of more blatant persecution.

We are living in the last days, the end times.  If there is one more revival that could happen in America (and around the world), perhaps churches of ten could be a starting point.

In Christ,
Fred Marshall
Copyright April 2020 - All rights reserved - wide distribution is encouraged and expected - please share!!

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