Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hillary Clinton Accuses Trump of 'Racist' Views Against Haitians on 8th Anniversary of Haiti Earthquake

This is really rich, especially in light of how she and Bill, via their foundation, exploited the people of that country to the point that Haitians hate the Clintons. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/13/hillary-clinton-accuses-trump-of-racist-views-against-haitians-on-8th-anniversary-of-haiti-earthquake/

By the way, before you accept the ongoing mainstream narrative that Trump is a racist, consider these things...

Even if he had made that crude comment, it was in reference to the country, not its people. One can say derogatory things about a country without insulting its people, since the government of a country, through its oppression & corruption, can make a country of otherwise good people, miserable.

Let's replace the word he allegedly used with something like "awful", for the sake of discussion. People don't tend to stay in countries that fit this description, regardless of what negative word you use to describe it. People will migrate from awful countries to countries whose leader is doing everything in his power to make it great again. If you were living in a country like that, you'd want to leave, too.

But if we indiscriminately accept immigrants from those countries en masse, they will bring their baggage (literal and figurative) with them, introducing the physical, political and ideological things that likely contributed to (or at least failed to remedy) their problems.

Any organization, whether it be a club, a team, or a country, benefits from the addition of people who can improve it, and suffers when it accepts those who either can't or won't do anything for its betterment. This is very basic common sense (which isn't so common anymore, I've learned in the last few decades).

Retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince: 'Some Places Are S***holes, Literally'; Trump's Comment 'Accurate': http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2018/01/13/retired-seal-erik-prince-some-places-are-sholes-literally-trumps-comment-accurate/

The Democrats are using this as a distraction to stall talks on immigration reform. (Immigration is fine the way it is, in their minds, because immigrants tend to vote overwhelmingly Democrat, hence it gives them more voters, all their virtue signaling blather notwithstanding.) http://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/01/14/rand-paul-cant-immigration-reform-everybodys-calling-trump-racist/

So please don't drink the leftist Kool-aid that Trump is racist simply because he made a crude, but truthful remark about a country whose people live in squalor, most likely through no fault of their own.

The reason for this sustained offensive against the president by the media is simply this: Henry Kissinger and other of his globalist elite ilk saw the promise of completing their vision for a New World Order one world government when Obama went to the White House. After eight years of the "fundamental change" he promised (and delivered) to what he admitted was the greatest country in the world which nearly made it unrecognizable (per the NWO game plan), Trump has undertaken the enormous task of undoing the damage. This makes the globalists, who control the leftist media worldwide, very unhappy, because it interferes with their plan. America, with its freedoms, its liberties, its history, is the last obstacle standing in the way of this insidious plan. Any efforts to make her great again, to restore her, is a threat which they are trying very hard to eliminate. This is so obvious to me that I get frustrated when people I love don't see it, and are instead deceived by all the lies.

That's why all this is going on - it actually has very little to do with the misdirection you see & hear on network news.

"In times of universal deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
In Christ,


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